
Module Contents#



Tracks an observer callback. Pass this to the unobserve method to cancel


A Ypy document type. Documents are most important units of collaborative resources management.


Holds transaction update information from a commit after state vectors have been compressed.


A transaction that serves as a proxy to document block store. Ypy shared data types execute


A shared data type used for collaborative text editing. It enables multiple users to add and


Communicates updates that occurred during a transaction for an instance of YText.






Communicates updates that occurred during a transaction for an instance of YArray.


Update message that elements were inserted in a YArray.


Update message that elements were deleted in a YArray.


Update message that elements were left unmodified in a YArray.



Tracks key/values inside a YMap. Similar functionality to dict_items for a Python dict


Tracks key identifiers inside of a YMap


Tracks values inside of a YMap


Communicates updates that occurred during a transaction for an instance of YMap.




XML element data type. It represents an XML node, which can contain key-value attributes




encode_state_vector(→ EncodedStateVector)

Encodes a state vector of a given Ypy document into its binary representation using lib0 v1

encode_state_as_update(→ YDocUpdate)

Encodes all updates that have happened since a given version vector into a compact delta

apply_update(doc, diff)

Applies delta update generated by the remote document replica to a current document. This









A modification to a YArray during a transaction.


Generates a sequence of key/value properties for an XML Element



Visits elements in an Xml tree


class y_py.SubscriptionId#

Tracks an observer callback. Pass this to the unobserve method to cancel its associated callback.

class y_py.YDoc(client_id: Optional[int] = None, offset_kind: str = 'utf8', skip_gc: bool = False)#

A Ypy document type. Documents are most important units of collaborative resources management. All shared collections live within a scope of their corresponding documents. All updates are generated on per document basis (rather than individual shared type). All operations on shared collections happen via YTransaction, which lifetime is also bound to a document.

Document manages so called root types, which are top-level shared types definitions (as opposed to recursively nested types).


from y_py import YDoc

doc = YDoc()
with doc.begin_transaction() as txn:
    text = txn.get_text('name')
    text.extend(txn, 'hello world')
    output = text.to_string(txn)
client_id: int#
begin_transaction() YTransaction#

A new transaction for this document. Ypy shared data types execute their operations in a context of a given transaction. Each document can have only one active transaction at the time - subsequent attempts will cause exception to be thrown.

Transactions started with doc.begin_transaction can be released by deleting the transaction object method.


from y_py import YDoc
doc = YDoc()
text = doc.get_text('name')
with doc.begin_transaction() as txn:
    text.insert(txn, 0, 'hello world')
transact(callback: Callable[[YTransaction]])#
get_map(name: str) YMap#

A YMap shared data type, that’s accessible for subsequent accesses using given name.

If there was no instance with this name before, it will be created and then returned.

If there was an instance with this name, but it was of different type, it will be projected onto YMap instance.

get_xml_element(name: str) YXmlElement#

A YXmlElement shared data type, that’s accessible for subsequent accesses using given name.

If there was no instance with this name before, it will be created and then returned.

If there was an instance with this name, but it was of different type, it will be projected onto YXmlElement instance.

get_xml_text(name: str) YXmlText#

A YXmlText shared data type, that’s accessible for subsequent accesses using given name.

If there was no instance with this name before, it will be created and then returned.

If there was an instance with this name, but it was of different type, it will be projected onto YXmlText instance.

get_array(name: str) YArray#

A YArray shared data type, that’s accessible for subsequent accesses using given name.

If there was no instance with this name before, it will be created and then returned.

If there was an instance with this name, but it was of different type, it will be projected onto YArray instance.

get_text(name: str) YText#

name – The identifier for retreiving the text


A YText shared data type, that’s accessible for subsequent accesses using given name.

If there was no instance with this name before, it will be created and then returned. If there was an instance with this name, but it was of different type, it will be projected onto YText instance.

observe_after_transaction(callback: Callable[[AfterTransactionEvent]]) SubscriptionId#

Subscribe callback function to updates on the YDoc. The callback will receive encoded state updates and deletions when a document transaction is committed.


callback – A function that receives YDoc state information affected by the transaction.


A subscription identifier that can be used to cancel the callback.

class y_py.AfterTransactionEvent#

Holds transaction update information from a commit after state vectors have been compressed.

before_state: EncodedStateVector#

Encoded state of YDoc before the transaction.

after_state: EncodedStateVector#

Encoded state of the YDoc after the transaction.

delete_set: EncodedDeleteSet#

Elements deleted by the associated transaction.

get_update() YDocUpdate#

Encoded payload of all updates produced by the transaction.

y_py.encode_state_vector(doc: YDoc) EncodedStateVector#

Encodes a state vector of a given Ypy document into its binary representation using lib0 v1 encoding. State vector is a compact representation of updates performed on a given document and can be used by encode_state_as_update on remote peer to generate a delta update payload to synchronize changes between peers.


from y_py import YDoc, encode_state_vector, encode_state_as_update, apply_update from y_py

# document on machine A
local_doc = YDoc()
local_sv = encode_state_vector(local_doc)

# document on machine B
remote_doc = YDoc()
remote_delta = encode_state_as_update(remote_doc, local_sv)

apply_update(local_doc, remote_delta)
y_py.encode_state_as_update(doc: YDoc, vector: Optional[Union[EncodedStateVector, List[int]]] = None) YDocUpdate#

Encodes all updates that have happened since a given version vector into a compact delta representation using lib0 v1 encoding. If vector parameter has not been provided, generated delta payload will contain all changes of a current Ypy document, working effectively as its state snapshot.


from y_py import YDoc, encode_state_vector, encode_state_as_update, apply_update

# document on machine A
local_doc = YDoc()
local_sv = encode_state_vector(local_doc)

# document on machine B
remote_doc = YDoc()
remote_delta = encode_state_as_update(remote_doc, local_sv)

apply_update(local_doc, remote_delta)
y_py.apply_update(doc: YDoc, diff: Union[YDocUpdate, List[int]])#

Applies delta update generated by the remote document replica to a current document. This method assumes that a payload maintains lib0 v1 encoding format.


from y_py import YDoc, encode_state_vector, encode_state_as_update, apply_update

# document on machine A
local_doc = YDoc()
local_sv = encode_state_vector(local_doc)

# document on machine B
remote_doc = YDoc()
remote_delta = encode_state_as_update(remote_doc, local_sv)

apply_update(local_doc, remote_delta)
class y_py.YTransaction#

A transaction that serves as a proxy to document block store. Ypy shared data types execute their operations in a context of a given transaction. Each document can have only one active transaction at the time - subsequent attempts will cause exception to be thrown.

Transactions started with doc.begin_transaction can be released by deleting the transaction object method.


from y_py import YDoc
doc = YDoc()
text = doc.get_text('name')
with doc.begin_transaction() as txn:
    text.insert(txn, 0, 'hello world')
before_state: Dict[int, int]#
get_text(name: str) YText#

A YText shared data type, that’s accessible for subsequent accesses using given name.

If there was no instance with this name before, it will be created and then returned.

If there was an instance with this name, but it was of different type, it will be projected onto YText instance.

get_array(name: str) YArray#

A YArray shared data type, that’s accessible for subsequent accesses using given name.

If there was no instance with this name before, it will be created and then returned.

If there was an instance with this name, but it was of different type, it will be projected onto YArray instance.

get_map(name: str) YMap#

A YMap shared data type, that’s accessible for subsequent accesses using given name.

If there was no instance with this name before, it will be created and then returned.

If there was an instance with this name, but it was of different type, it will be projected onto YMap instance.


Triggers a post-update series of operations without `free`ing the transaction. This includes compaction and optimization of internal representation of updates, triggering events etc. Ypy transactions are auto-committed when they are `free`d.

state_vector_v1() EncodedStateVector#

Encodes a state vector of a given transaction document into its binary representation using lib0 v1 encoding. State vector is a compact representation of updates performed on a given document and can be used by encode_state_as_update on remote peer to generate a delta update payload to synchronize changes between peers.


from y_py import YDoc

# document on machine A
local_doc = YDoc()
local_txn = local_doc.begin_transaction()

# document on machine B
remote_doc = YDoc()
remote_txn = local_doc.begin_transaction()

    local_sv = local_txn.state_vector_v1()
    remote_delta = remote_txn.diff_v1(local_sv)
    del local_txn
    del remote_txn
diff_v1(vector: Optional[EncodedStateVector] = None) YDocUpdate#

Encodes all updates that have happened since a given version vector into a compact delta representation using lib0 v1 encoding. If vector parameter has not been provided, generated delta payload will contain all changes of a current Ypy document, working effectively as its state snapshot.


from y_py import YDoc

# document on machine A
local_doc = YDoc()
local_txn = local_doc.begin_transaction()

# document on machine B
remote_doc = YDoc()
remote_txn = local_doc.begin_transaction()

    local_sv = local_txn.state_vector_v1()
    remote_delta = remote_txn.diff_v1(local_sv)
    del local_txn
    del remote_txn
apply_v1(diff: YDocUpdate)#

Applies delta update generated by the remote document replica to a current transaction’s document. This method assumes that a payload maintains lib0 v1 encoding format.


from y_py import YDoc

# document on machine A
local_doc = YDoc()
local_txn = local_doc.begin_transaction()

# document on machine B
remote_doc = YDoc()
remote_txn = local_doc.begin_transaction()

    local_sv = local_txn.state_vector_v1()
    remote_delta = remote_txn.diff_v1(local_sv)
    del local_txn
    del remote_txn
__enter__() YTransaction#
__exit__() bool#
class y_py.YText(init: str = '')#

A shared data type used for collaborative text editing. It enables multiple users to add and remove chunks of text in efficient manner. This type is internally represented as able double-linked list of text chunks - an optimization occurs during YTransaction.commit, which allows to squash multiple consecutively inserted characters together as a single chunk of text even between transaction boundaries in order to preserve more efficient memory model.

YText structure internally uses UTF-8 encoding and its length is described in a number of bytes rather than individual characters (a single UTF-8 code point can consist of many bytes).

Like all Yrs shared data types, YText is resistant to the problem of interleaving (situation when characters inserted one after another may interleave with other peers concurrent inserts after merging all updates together). In case of Yrs conflict resolution is solved by using unique document id to determine correct and consistent ordering.

prelim: bool#

True if this element has not been integrated into a YDoc.

__str__() str#

The underlying shared string stored in this data type.

__repr__() str#

The string representation wrapped in ‘YText()’

__len__() int#

The length of an underlying string stored in this YText instance, understood as a number of UTF-8 encoded bytes.

to_json() str#

The underlying shared string stored in this data type.

insert(txn: YTransaction, index: int, chunk: str, attributes: Dict[str, Any] = {})#

Inserts a string of text into the YText instance starting at a given index. Attributes are optional style modifiers ({“bold”: True}) that can be attached to the inserted string. Attributes are only supported for a YText instance which already has been integrated into document store.

insert_embed(txn: YTransaction, index: int, embed: Any, attributes: Dict[str, Any] = {})#

Inserts embedded content into the YText at the provided index. Attributes are user-defined metadata associated with the embedded content. Attributes are only supported for a YText instance which already has been integrated into document store.

format(txn: YTransaction, index: int, length: int, attributes: Dict[str, Any])#

Wraps an existing piece of text within a range described by index-length parameters with formatting blocks containing provided attributes metadata. This method only works for YText instances that already have been integrated into document store

extend(txn: YTransaction, chunk: str)#

Appends a given chunk of text at the end of current YText instance.

delete(txn: YTransaction, index: int)#

Deletes the character at the specified index.

delete_range(txn: YTransaction, index: int, length: int)#

Deletes a specified range of of characters, starting at a given index. Both index and length are counted in terms of a number of UTF-8 character bytes.

observe(f: Callable[[YTextEvent]]) SubscriptionId#

Assigns a callback function to listen to YText updates.


f – Callback function that runs when the text object receives an update.


A reference to the callback subscription.

observe_deep(f: Callable[[List[Event]]]) SubscriptionId#

Assigns a callback function to listen to the updates of the YText instance and those of its nested attributes. Currently, this listens to the same events as YText.observe, but in the future this will also listen to the events of embedded values.


f – Callback function that runs when the text object or its nested attributes receive an update.


A reference to the callback subscription.

unobserve(subscription_id: SubscriptionId)#

Cancels the observer callback associated with the subscripton_id.


subscription_id – reference to a subscription provided by the observe method.

class y_py.YTextEvent#

Communicates updates that occurred during a transaction for an instance of YText. The target references the YText element that receives the update. The delta is a list of updates applied by the transaction.

target: YText#
delta: List[YTextDelta]#
path() List[Union[int, str]]#

Array of keys and indexes creating a path from root type down to current instance of shared type (accessible via target getter).

class y_py.YTextChangeInsert#

Bases: TypedDict

insert: str#
attributes: Optional[Any]#
class y_py.YTextChangeDelete#

Bases: TypedDict

delete: int#
class y_py.YTextChangeRetain#

Bases: TypedDict

retain: int#
attributes: Optional[Any]#
class y_py.YArray#
prelim: bool#

True if this element has not been integrated into a YDoc.

__len__() int#

Number of elements in the YArray

__str__() str#

The string representation of YArray

__repr__() str#

The string representation of YArray wrapped in YArray()

to_json() str#

Converts an underlying contents of this YArray instance into their JSON representation.

insert(txn: YTransaction, index: int, item: Any)#

Inserts an item at the provided index in the YArray.

insert_range(txn: YTransaction, index: int, items: Iterable)#

Inserts a given range of items into this YArray instance, starting at given index.

append(txn: YTransaction, item: Any)#

Adds a single item to the end of the YArray

extend(txn: YTransaction, items: Iterable)#

Appends a sequence of items at the end of this YArray instance.

delete(txn: YTransaction, index: int)#

Deletes a single item from the array

  • txn – The transaction where the array is being modified.

  • index – The index of the element to be deleted.

delete_range(txn: YTransaction, index: int, length: int)#

Deletes a range of items of given length from current YArray instance, starting from given index.

move_to(txn: YTransaction, source: int, target: int)#

Moves a single item found at source index into target index position.

  • txn – The transaction where the array is being modified.

  • source – The index of the element to be moved.

  • target – The new position of the element.

move_range_to(txn: YTransaction, start: int, end: int, target: int)#

Moves all elements found within start..`end` indexes range (both side inclusive) into new position pointed by target index. All elements inserted concurrently by other peers inside of moved range will be moved as well after synchronization (although it make take more than one sync roundtrip to achieve convergence).

  • txn – The transaction where the array is being modified.

  • start – The index of the first element of the range (inclusive).

  • end – The index of the last element of the range (inclusive).

  • target – The new position of the element.

Example: ``` import y_py as Y doc = Y.Doc(); array = doc.get_array(‘array’)

with doc.begin_transaction() as t:

array.insert_range(t, 0, [1,2,3,4]);

// move elements 2 and 3 after the 4 with doc.begin_transaction() as t:

array.move_range_to(t, 1, 2, 4);


__getitem__(index: Union[int, slice]) Any#

The element stored under given index or a new list of elements from the slice range.

__iter__() Iterator#

An iterator that can be used to traverse over the values stored withing this instance of YArray.


from y_py import YDoc

# document on machine A
doc = YDoc()
array = doc.get_array('name')

for item in array:
observe(f: Callable[[YArrayEvent]]) SubscriptionId#

Assigns a callback function to listen to YArray updates.


f – Callback function that runs when the array object receives an update.


An identifier associated with the callback subscription.

observe_deep(f: Callable[[List[Event]]]) SubscriptionId#

Assigns a callback function to listen to the aggregated updates of the YArray and its child elements.


f – Callback function that runs when the array object or components receive an update.


An identifier associated with the callback subscription.

unobserve(subscription_id: SubscriptionId)#

Cancels the observer callback associated with the subscripton_id.


subscription_id – reference to a subscription provided by the observe method.

class y_py.YArrayEvent#

Communicates updates that occurred during a transaction for an instance of YArray. The target references the YArray element that receives the update. The delta is a list of updates applied by the transaction.

target: YArray#
delta: List[ArrayDelta]#
path() List[Union[int, str]]#

Array of keys and indexes creating a path from root type down to current instance of shared type (accessible via target getter).


A modification to a YArray during a transaction.

class y_py.ArrayChangeInsert#

Bases: TypedDict

Update message that elements were inserted in a YArray.

insert: List[Any]#
class y_py.ArrayChangeDelete#

Update message that elements were deleted in a YArray.

delete: int#
class y_py.ArrayChangeRetain#

Update message that elements were left unmodified in a YArray.

retain: int#
class y_py.YMap#
prelim: bool#

True if this element has not been integrated into a YDoc.

__len__() int#

The number of entries stored within this instance of YMap.

__str__() str#

The string representation of the YMap.

__dict__() dict#

Contents of the YMap inside a Python dictionary.

__repr__() str#

The string representation of the YMap wrapped in ‘YMap()’

to_json() str#

Converts contents of this YMap instance into a JSON representation.

set(txn: YTransaction, key: str, value: Any)#

Sets a given key-value entry within this instance of YMap. If another entry was already stored under given key, it will be overridden with new value.

update(txn: YTransaction, items: Union[Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]])#

Updates YMap with the contents of items.

  • txn – A transaction to perform the insertion updates.

  • items – An iterable object that produces key value tuples to insert into the YMap

pop(txn: YTransaction, key: str, fallback: Optional[Any] = None) Any#

Removes an entry identified by a given key from this instance of YMap, if such exists. Throws a KeyError if the key does not exist and fallback value is not provided.

  • txn – The current transaction from a YDoc.

  • key – Identifier of the requested item.

  • fallback – Returns this value if the key doesn’t exist in the YMap


The item at the key.

get(key: str, fallback: Any) Any | None#
  • key – The identifier for the requested data.

  • fallback – If the key doesn’t exist in the map, this fallback value will be returned.


Requested data or the provided fallback value.

__getitem__(key: str) Any#

key – The identifier for the requested data.


Value of an entry stored under given key within this instance of YMap. Will throw a KeyError if the provided key is unassigned.

__iter__() Iterator[str]#

An iterator that traverses all keys of the YMap in an unspecified order.

items() YMapItemsView#

A view that can be used to iterate over all entries stored within this instance of YMap. Order of entry is not specified.


from y_py import YDoc

# document on machine A
doc = YDoc()
map = doc.get_map('name')
with doc.begin_transaction() as txn:
    map.set(txn, 'key1', 'value1')
    map.set(txn, 'key2', true)
for (key, value) in map.items()):
    print(key, value)
keys() YMapKeysView#

A view of all key identifiers in the YMap. The order of keys is not stable.

values() YMapValuesView#

A view of all values in the YMap. The order of values is not stable.

observe(f: Callable[[YMapEvent]]) SubscriptionId#

Assigns a callback function to listen to YMap updates.


f – Callback function that runs when the map object receives an update.


A reference to the callback subscription. Delete this observer in order to erase the associated callback function.

observe_deep(f: Callable[[List[Event]]]) SubscriptionId#

Assigns a callback function to listen to YMap and child element updates.


f – Callback function that runs when the map object or any of its tracked elements receive an update.


A reference to the callback subscription. Delete this observer in order to erase the associated callback function.

unobserve(subscription_id: SubscriptionId)#

Cancels the observer callback associated with the subscripton_id.


subscription_id – reference to a subscription provided by the observe method.

class y_py.YMapItemsView#

Tracks key/values inside a YMap. Similar functionality to dict_items for a Python dict

__iter__() Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]]#

Produces key value tuples of elements inside the view

__contains__() bool#

Checks membership of kv tuples in the view

__len__() int#

Checks number of items in the view.

class y_py.YMapKeysView#

Tracks key identifiers inside of a YMap

__iter__() Iterator[str]#

Produces keys of the view

__contains__() bool#

Checks membership of keys in the view

__len__() int#

Checks number of keys in the view.

class y_py.YMapValuesView#

Tracks values inside of a YMap

__iter__() Iterator[Any]#

Produces values of the view

__contains__() bool#

Checks membership of values in the view

__len__() int#

Checks number of values in the view.

class y_py.YMapEvent#

Communicates updates that occurred during a transaction for an instance of YMap. The target references the YMap element that receives the update. The delta is a list of updates applied by the transaction. The keys are a list of changed values for a specific key.

target: YMap#

The element modified during this event.

keys: Dict[str, YMapEventKeyChange]#

A list of modifications to the YMap by key. Includes the type of modification along with the before and after state.

path() List[Union[int, str]]#

Path to this element from the root if this YMap is nested inside another data structure.

class y_py.YMapEventKeyChange#

Bases: TypedDict

action: Literal[add, update, delete]#
oldValue: Optional[Any]#
newValue: Optional[Any]#

Generates a sequence of key/value properties for an XML Element


Visits elements in an Xml tree

class y_py.YXmlElementEvent#
target: YXmlElement#
keys: Dict[str, EntryChange]#
delta: List[Dict]#
path() List[Union[int, str]]#

Returns a current shared type instance, that current event changes refer to.

class y_py.YXmlElement#

XML element data type. It represents an XML node, which can contain key-value attributes (interpreted as strings) as well as other nested XML elements or rich text (represented by YXmlText type).

In terms of conflict resolution, YXmlElement uses following rules:

  • Attribute updates use logical last-write-wins principle, meaning the past updates are automatically overridden and discarded by newer ones, while concurrent updates made by different peers are resolved into a single value using document id seniority to establish an order.

  • Child node insertion uses sequencing rules from other Yrs collections - elements are inserted using interleave-resistant algorithm, where order of concurrent inserts at the same index is established using peer’s document id seniority.

name: str#
first_child: Optional[Xml]#
next_sibling: Optional[Xml]#
prev_sibling: Optional[Xml]#
parent: Optional[YXmlElement]#
__len__() int#

Returns a number of child XML nodes stored within this YXMlElement instance.

insert_xml_element(txn: YTransaction, index: int, name: str) YXmlElement#

Inserts a new instance of YXmlElement as a child of this XML node and returns it.

insert_xml_text(txn: YTransaction, index: int) YXmlText#

Inserts a new instance of YXmlText as a child of this XML node and returns it.

delete(txn: YTransaction, index: int, length: int)#

Removes a range of children XML nodes from this YXmlElement instance, starting at given index.

push_xml_element(txn: YTransaction, name: str) YXmlElement#

Appends a new instance of YXmlElement as the last child of this XML node and returns it.

push_xml_text(txn: YTransaction) YXmlText#

Appends a new instance of YXmlText as the last child of this XML node and returns it.

__str__() str#

A string representation of this XML node.

__repr__() str#

A string representation wrapped in YXmlElement

set_attribute(txn: YTransaction, name: str, value: str)#

Sets a name and value as new attribute for this XML node. If an attribute with the same name already existed on that node, its value with be overridden with a provided one.

get_attribute(name: str) Optional[str]#

Returns a value of an attribute given its name. If no attribute with such name existed, null will be returned.

remove_attribute(txn: YTransaction, name: str)#

Removes an attribute from this XML node, given its name.

attributes() YXmlAttributes#

Returns an iterator that enables to traverse over all attributes of this XML node in unspecified order.

tree_walker() YXmlTreeWalker#

Returns an iterator that enables a deep traversal of this XML node - starting from first child over this XML node successors using depth-first strategy.

observe(f: Callable[[YXmlElementEvent]]) SubscriptionId#

Subscribes to all operations happening over this instance of YXmlElement. All changes are batched and eventually triggered during transaction commit phase.


f – A callback function that receives update events.


A SubscriptionId that can be used to cancel the observer callback.

observe_deep(f: Callable[[List[Event]]]) SubscriptionId#

Subscribes to all operations happening over this instance of YXmlElement and its children. All changes are batched and eventually triggered during transaction commit phase.


f – A callback function that receives update events from the Xml element and its children.


A SubscriptionId that can be used to cancel the observer callback.

unobserve(subscription_id: SubscriptionId)#

Cancels the observer callback associated with the subscripton_id.


subscription_id – reference to a subscription provided by the observe method.

class y_py.YXmlText#
next_sibling: Optional[Xml]#
prev_sibling: Optional[Xml]#
parent: Optional[YXmlElement]#

The length of an underlying string stored in this YXmlText instance, understood as a number of UTF-8 encoded bytes.

insert(txn: YTransaction, index: int, chunk: str)#

Inserts a given chunk of text into this YXmlText instance, starting at a given index.

push(txn: YTransaction, chunk: str)#

Appends a given chunk of text at the end of YXmlText instance.

delete(txn: YTransaction, index: int, length: int)#

Deletes a specified range of of characters, starting at a given index. Both index and length are counted in terms of a number of UTF-8 character bytes.

__str__() str#

The underlying string stored in this YXmlText instance.

__repr__() str#

The string representation wrapped in ‘YXmlText()’

set_attribute(txn: YTransaction, name: str, value: str)#

Sets a name and value as new attribute for this XML node. If an attribute with the same name already existed on that node, its value with be overridden with a provided one.

get_attribute(name: str) Optional[str]#

A value of an attribute given its name. If no attribute with such name existed,

None will be returned.

remove_attribute(txn: YTransaction, name: str)#

Removes an attribute from this XML node, given its name.

attributes() YXmlAttributes#

An iterator that enables to traverse over all attributes of this XML node in

unspecified order.

observe(f: Callable[[YXmlTextEvent]]) SubscriptionId#

Subscribes to all operations happening over this instance of YXmlText. All changes are batched and eventually triggered during transaction commit phase.

  • f – A callback function that receives update events.

  • deep – Determines whether observer is triggered by changes to elements in the YXmlText.


A SubscriptionId that can be used to cancel the observer callback.

observe_deep(f: Callable[[List[Event]]]) SubscriptionId#

Subscribes to all operations happening over this instance of YXmlText and its children. All changes are batched and eventually triggered during transaction commit phase.

  • f – A callback function that receives update events of this element and its descendants.

  • deep – Determines whether observer is triggered by changes to elements in the YXmlText.


A SubscriptionId that can be used to cancel the observer callback.

unobserve(subscription_id: SubscriptionId)#

Cancels the observer callback associated with the subscripton_id.


subscription_id – reference to a subscription provided by the observe method.

class y_py.YXmlTextEvent#
target: YXmlText#
keys: List[EntryChange]#
delta: List[YTextDelta]#
path() List[Union[int, str]]#

Returns a current shared type instance, that current event changes refer to.